
Bangladesh Eye specialists are dedicated to the care and treatment of people who have glaucoma. The disease is often asymptomatic, and people may lose their vision without knowing it. One factor common to most types is damage to the optic nerve. Regular eye exams are an important way to detect the disease.


There are several types of glaucoma, and treatment depends on properly identifying which kind is present. No matter whether the pressure is high, average, or below average, it can still cause damage. Some types of glaucoma are chronic and may be present for a lifetime. Other types are acute; that is, they occur suddenly.


All types of glaucoma need some form of treatment. Some people need surgery. Others may need medicine to treat the eye directly, or to treat some other health problem that is affecting the eye. Still others may need to have certain medicines stopped. Appropriate treatment for glaucoma will prevent loss of sight in the majority of patients whose condition is detected early.


Sophisticated, state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities include computerized visual field testing, optic nerve imaging, multiple methods of blood flow measurement and other specialized imaging modalities. The service participates in most of the national clinical trials sponsored by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health in order to bring new drugs and surgical methods to patients as quickly as possible. In addition, we conduct research to gain a better understanding of this disease.

Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Kumar Chowdhury

Sequence: MS, DO, MCPS
Consultant Ophthalmologist & Phaco Surgeon
Director, In-Charge
Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute
Chittagong Branch, Chittagong.

Dr. M. A. Wahed

DCO, Fellow Glaucoma (LVPEI)

Department’s Services

Optical coherence Tomography (OCT)
Humphrey Visual Field analyzers
YAG Laser PI
Filtration Surgery
Cataract & Glaucoma Surgery

Useful info and health tips


Glaucoma refers to a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve, located in the back of the eye. Risk factors for glaucoma include age, family history, the shape of the eye, race/ethnicity, and increased eye pressure. Although glaucoma may not have symptoms in the beginning, eventually permanent vision loss can occur.


When the anterior chamber angle is narrow, patients are at risk of developing both acute angle closure glaucoma and chronic angle closure glaucoma. However, it is important to understand that being at risk for glaucoma and having glaucoma are different. People with anatomically narrow angles carry only the predisposition to glaucoma without any evidence of glaucoma itself. Often, treatment of anatomically narrow angles may prevent the ultimate development of glaucoma. Laser therapy is one of the cornerstones of narrow angle treatment


The anterior chamber angle is composed of the iris and cornea. When the angle is narrow and these structures are very close together, scar tissue may form between them and overly the drainage apparatus of the eye. If enough of this scar tissue is present, elevated intaocular pressure and glaucoma develop over time in a process termed chronic angle closure glaucoma. Although in many people this condition is slowly progressive, acute (rapid) elevation of intraocular pressure may occur within the context of chronic angle closure glaucoma.


Congenital glaucoma occurs in infants who are born with a malformation in the eye drainage canals. The backup of fluids due to the disease causes increased pressure in the eye. However, congenital glaucoma can be successfully treated with medication and surgery.